Sunday, February 21, 2010


so I appear to be creating a blog... mostly, i think, because I am sick of the facebook and i need a new way to waste a whole lot of time.

i figured this might be a good time to start a blog. i just moved into a new house. and i feel like things are taking new, positive directions. so maybe this is a good thing to write about.

::hang on, i'm checking how much it is to buy a pool table on craigslist::

so this house i'm living in..
i moved in a few weeks ago, and this house is awesome because:
1. we have a side porch with christmas lights
2. we have large windows that let in lovely sunlight and offer good views of blizzards
3. we have a corner brick fireplace
4. we have a black & white tile floor kitchen and a fridge that is raised up on a pedestal
5. there is always a steady supply of natty boh and schlitz in the beer fridge
6. we have french presses with excellent coffee going most of the time
7. we are equi-distant from 2 awesome value village thrift stores
8. we play danish dice games
9. we come up with moose jokes

so there approximately 9 things.
oh! we have a foosball table. 10.
"we" is the 6 of us who live here, as well as our frequent visitors/faux housemates.

so here it is. this is the beginning.

i'm watching curling.

1 comment:

Tiny-face said...

I play Danish card games. Actually, I play a Danish card game. It's called agurk. It means 'cucumber.' The game has nothing to do with cucumbers except that you have to draw cucumbers on the score sheet.

I like your house already. I like that you have a beer fridge that is always fully stocked.

Pool tables are really comfortable to sleep on. (Very level)